A temizuya is a place for a Shinto ceremonial purification rite known as temizu. The temizuya is usually situated in an open area where clear water fills one or more stone basins. The water filled basins are used by worshipers for washing their left hand, right hand, mouth and the handle of the water ladle, to purify themselves before approaching the main Shinto shrine. Originally, this purification was likely done at a spring or stream and this way is still thought of as ideal. Kyoto, Japan
Ema are small wooden plaques on which Shinto worshippers write their prayers or wishes, the ema are then left hanging up at the shrine, where the kami (spirits or gods) receive them. They are sold for various wishes; common reasons for buying a plaque are for success in your work or exams, a good marriage, to have children, and health. At some shrines, you can find ema in many languages, as tourists leave their own wishes and prayers. Kyoto, Japan