Some or most of you are probably wondering what’s the difference between a normal photograph and an HDR photograph … Without getting into too much of the technical’s, a normal photo has a limited dynamic range of light, so we see a loss of detail in areas of darkness and light in the picture.
An HDR (High Dynamic Range) picture is the combination of 3 or more normal pictures of the same scene combined into one single HDR picture. Each of those original 3 or more pictures are photographed with different exposure ranges, so the end result of that one final HDR picture is to have a greater dynamic range where you can see more detail in the light and dark areas of the photo compared to a normal photograph.

The final HDR photo can give a more natural picture similar to what the naked eye can see. Different photographers like to process their HDR pictures in different ways, I like to try and make mine look as natural as possible (but not always). Other photographers process the final image further giving a cartoon effect, and there are many others who process between these two extremes.
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