This amusing old sign is in the Baclayon Church on Bohol Island in the Philippines, it describes what it calls the proper attire to be worn in the church generally and at weddings. By the style of the clothing it would seem to be from the 1970’s, with the displayed slacks and mini skirts.
I always find these old signs interesting as a window to our past thoughts and ideals, there wouldn’t be many new signs produced today describing in detail what people should or shouldn’t be wearing. It’s only a matter of time before all these old signs disappear.

The Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Baclayon Church) is considered to be one of the oldest churches in the Philippines.
In the 1700’s around 200 native forced labourers constructed the church from coral blocks; coral was taken from the sea, cut into square blocks, and used as building blocks. Bamboo was used to move and lift the coral blocks into position, egg white and lime was used to cement the blocks together. Baclayon Church, Bohol Island, Philippines
For more pictures of the Philippines Baclayon Church visit my stock photography pages